bio Hi there!👋 I am a Doctoral Researcher at The School of Engineering and Built Environment, Griffith University, Australia where I build human-understandable explanation frameworks for deep learning models. More specifically, I conduct research on 🔎Explainable AI for Visual Categorization tasks, 🔓Deep learning and 📝Statistical modelling. My work has been funded by the ARC Research Hub for Driving Farming Productivity and Disease Prevention and the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems (IIIS). I love music🎷, chess♟️ and a good workout🏋️


🚀H-Index: 11

📝Reviewer for: IEEE TPAMI, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IEEE Access, etc.

🏆Excellent Thesis Award awarded by Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (2021). Thesis Topic: A Sensor Fusion Approach for the Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Solenoid Pumps. CGPA: 4.50 out of 4.50

🌱Founder, FS-NextGen Lounge: a community-based initiative for educating and promoting the use of AI and inclusive AI acceptance in Africa. We host live FREE workshops every month on AI and Machine Learning, scholarships, data analytics, knowledge sharing, etc.

🤝Academic-industry engagments with Hanwa Systems Korea, Instern Co. Ltd. Korea, ACADIC Canada, Daewoong Pharmaceuticals Korea, Daewoong Foundation, Pyung Hwa Industry Co., Ltd., Korea, etc.

🏆Runner Up, Daewoong Foundation AI & Big Data Hackathon organised by Daewoong Foundation Korea (2021). Proposal: Smart Factory Automation: A correlation-based GA-DNN Model for Smart AC Monitoring and Control

🔆Feature Paper: Akpudo, U.E.; Hur, J.-W. “Exploring the Efficiencies of Spectral Isolation for Intelligent Wear Monitoring of Micro Drill Bit Automatic Regrinding In-Line Systems”, Algorithms 2022, Vol. 15, Issue 6, p. 194.

🏋️Best Paper Awards at the ICMR 2019, Jeju Island and BK21 Four Korea.

📢Research Interests: Explainable AI, Deep Learning, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Intelligent Monitoring, Condition-Based Maintenance, Object Detection, Computer Vision, Interdisciplinary Research, and their applications to Agriculture, Mechatronic and Mechanical Systems, Factories, Environment, and Health.


🌍PhD, Artificial Intelligence, Griffith University (2022 - current)

🌴M. Eng., Mechanical, Aeronautical and Electronic Convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea (2019 - 2021)

🌱B. Eng., Mechanical and Production Engineering, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Nigeria (2007 - 2012)

🚀What am I up to?