A Cost-Efficient MFCC-Based Fault Detection and Isolation Technology for Electromagnetic Pumps
Published in IEEE Access, 2020
Accurate condition monitoring of industrial cyber-physical systems/components demands the use of reliable fault detection and isolation (FD&I) methodologies. Meta-heuristic algorithms for feature selection have good exploration capability for optimal discriminative feature selection for fault isolation/classification of which the Binary Particle swarm optimization (BPSO) is superior to its counterparts. This study presents a robust approach for vibration-based failure diagnostics of electromagnetic/solenoid pumps which employ a multi-domain feature extraction procedure (statistical time-domain and frequency-domain features, Mel frequency cepstral coefficients, and continuous wavelet coefficients) for capturing linear and nonlinear properties from the signals. Compared with other filter and wrapper methods for supervised feature selection, a hybrid filter-wrapper (Pearson’s correlation-BPSO (ρ-BPSO)) feature selection procedure is proposed for global search of optimal discriminative (uncorrelated) features for fault diagnosis with an RBF-kernel support vector machine (SVM). Subsequently, a practical case study involving five VSC63A5 solenoid pumps at various operating/fault conditions is presented for validating the performance of the proposed approach. Results show the superior performance of the proposed hybrid filter-wrapper approach against filter-based and wrapper-based techniques for discriminative feature selection. Also, the proposed ρ-BPSO-SVM diagnostics model performance was compared with other standard fault isolation/classification methods.
Recommended citation: U. E. Akpudo and H. Jang-Wook, "A Multi-Domain Diagnostics Approach for Solenoid Pumps Based on Discriminative Features," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 175020-175034, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3025909..
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